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PPCT is no longer the name of the most recognized Subject Control/Use of Force organization. AS OF THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 2017, PPCT is no longer the name of the most recognized Subject Control/Use of Force organization. Under the parent company Human Factor Research Group (HFRG), the name for the subject control system is now Threat Pattern Recognition (TPR) Use of Force Instructor. As with previous program adjustments, TPR Use of Force has once again utilized a reduction in the number of techniques in the program. The initial Instructor and Student Manuals replace the previous manuals titled "Defensive Tactics." Because of the long history of PPCT and its recognition as the leader in the field of law enforcement training, I shall continue to list classes with that abbreviation followed by the new name. Class listings for my seminars will be named PPCT/TPR , followed by the specific seminar such as Defensive Tactics, Spontaneous Knife Defense, etc. The Threat Pattern Recognition material, including the Firearms applications is included in the seminar. However, following past practice with respect to written examinations, this new material will not be included on the examinations. Mr. Bruce Siddle has always built in a grace period for new material with regard to examinations, and beginning with February of 2017, there will be a three year period before such material is added to the written examinations. Please note that this gap only applies to Instructors and Basic Officer testing. Instructor/Trainers, Associate Staff, and Staff Instructors have already been exposed to the new material in the form of a separate examination. For many years a general recommendation for police trainers was the cross training of defensive tactics and firearms. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that DT and firearms training have been included in the same manual. Note well that this is not a program that teaches the steps of becoming a Firearms Instructor. Instead, it is a training system that supplements the knowledge of those already certified as either Defensive Tactics Instructors and/or Firearms instructors. The Threat Pattern Recognition/Firearms material will be included in all the Threat Pattern Recognition/Use of Force Instructor Schools, both for new Certifications and Re-Certifications for those currently holding Certification as PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructors. The program also applies directly to street officer who may not have instructor certification in firearms but qualifies with them on a regular basis. As with both PPCT's and HFRG's histories, this program is solidly based upon research. And this research is described in depth in the new manuals. I believe these changes once again reflect the organization's continued approach to improving not only the specific programs but also officer safety in general. HFRG clearly indicates it is not an organization "that rests upon its laurels." |